Welcome to Farm English                         Idiom(phrase/term):He talks the talk but he never walks the walk(just talk and do nothing)


  The verb is the most important part of the sentence parts , because it shows the time of the action in the sentence.

Generally the verb in English has three types called "conjugations" , and they are used in the different forms forming the verbs in it's various tenses , and they are :

  • present > first conjugation
  • past      > second conjugation
  • past participle (p.p) > third conjugation
Ex :
  • Eat (first) / Ate (second) / Eaten (third)
  • Watch / Watched / watched
  • Tell / Told / Told
  • Play / Played / Played
  • Read / Read / Read
There are a list of irregular verbs and their three conjugations that can be found in any English dictionary and here is some of them.

verbs conjugations


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